Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Welcome To The Site

Hello all and welcome to my cigar corner. I have set this blog up for a course I am currently enrolled in, however I would love for nothing more than this blog turn into something more than an assignment. I set this blog up in hopes of discovering all of the joys and insights of my fellow brothers and sisters of the leaf. After all, smoking cigars is more than just a hobby - it is a passion!


  1. Good luck. Let's hope that cigar smokers are bloggers! Come on capo, provide us with some of your pearls of wisdom!!

  2. Gar Head, best of luck. I see the usual suspects have joined. The Consiglieri is waiting for Capo to provide us with some wisdom, Don't hold your smoke! :-)

  3. I believe that your blog is going to be quite interesting especially since you have opened it up to other cigar smokers, so there will be an abundance of informaion. I work with a few men and women that are casual/social smokers, who tell me that the occasional cigar relaxes them. Is this true for you?

  4. Never a truer statement has been spoken - I don't smoke just to smoke, I do it while relaxing either by myself or in the company of good friends. It really can be soothing.

  5. Dragonfly, this is not only my hobby but my release from the work stress that surrounds me. We shall see the posts, it will be very interesting...

  6. The best of luck for this blog. I will look forward to making my contributions here as well. I enjoy the cigars and the atmosphere around it. It makes for a comfortable, enjoyable time.

  7. Thanks for posting up podman! We look forward to reading your posts for years to come!

  8. The beauty of cigar smoking is the group it brings from all walks of life. I find that we share a common thread. A good stick, a good drink, and a good laugh. What more can you ask for?

  9. Come on R, I'm sure you could think of ONE more thing that would round things out quite nicely!!
